window live改版後, 很多人都發生分享空間無法存取的問題, send email去問發生甚麼問題, 只有一段官腔的回文, 根本解決不到問題, 下面一段是我朋友幫我找到的方法, 希望可以幫到有同樣問題的朋友.
另一樣我發覺的bugs是, 假如你加上sandbox或html的小工具, 會將你的網誌拖慢及有當機的情況, 所以如非必要, 還是不要用好了.
 Your space is not available

If you consistently receive the “Space Not Available” error message, the problem may be caused by an error in a recent upgrade to Windows Live Spaces. This error occurs when you add the Microsoft Windows Media Player module (A unit of information on your space. Modules include Blog, Profile, Lists, Photos, and more.) to your space and the display mode of the module is set to Invisible.

To troubleshoot this issue, try the following:
Visit http://登入帳號, where space_name is the name of your space. If necessary, sign in with your Windows Live ID (The user name and password that you use to sign in to any Windows Live, MSN, or Office Live sites and services. If you have a Passport Network, Hotmail, or Messenger account, you can use it as your Windows Live ID.) . In the Windows Media Player module, under Display mode, click None. Click Save.

You can choose any display mode with the exception of Invisible. 


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